Target Industries



The regional industry has a solid foundation in manufacturing clusters which includes plastics and rubber products, machinery, petroleum and coal, and metal fabrication. Manufacturing represents a large portion of the existing workforce base and skill set. The sector also includes opportunities for leather, wood products, mineral products, and communication and equipment manufacturing. The industry has above average annual wages.

Why Henderson for Manufacturing

  • Large labor pools and network suppliers throughout Texas, including East Texas.

  • Local certification and degrees that support advanced manufacturing offered at institutions throughout the region including East Texas Advanced Manufacturing Academy, Kilgore College, Panola College, and Tyler Junior College.

  • Major regional corporations including Trane Co., Union Pacific Railroad, Eastman Chemcial, and Komatsu. Texas Instruments, and Raytheon may support metal and machinery manufacturing, communication and equipment, metal fabrication, plastics and rubber production, and petroleum and coal.

  • Manufacturing represents a large portion (~10%) of the region's existing workforce base.