Capital Projects & Infrastructure

Our capital projects focus on four main groups, beginning with a general expansion of our infrastructure - including our sewer, water, electric service, and high-speed internet offerings for industrial and general business opportunities.

Additionally we are working diligently toward improving and expanding our industrial park roads to provide competitive offerings for potential businesses.

We are also in the process of acquiring property within the City of Henderson and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) to provide strategic and attractive locations to draw in new businesses.

Finally, we are intensely focused on improving our workforce through three key initiatives:

  1. Encourage a high-quality education in Henderson ISD

  2. Encourage higher education availability in Henderson

  3. Support and Expand Job Training opportunities such as Welding School/Plumbing School/Electrical School or other vocations.

Our Priorities
Putting Henderson First


Provide Leadership

By maintaining a strong presence and participating in community organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, City of Henderson, Main Street and Rusk County we are able to advocate for a business-friendly Henderson that provides us with a competitive edge against other cities.

Woman working on the phone in Henderson Business

Invest in Industry

Our goal is to aggressively pursue every industrial lead to bring new job opportunities and increase economic activity in Henderson. As part of this initiative, we are maintaining a schedule to personally visit industrial businesses in the community to better understand their needs.


Expand Accomodations

Along with the City and Chamber, we are engaging the development community to develop new single- and multi-family housing within Henderson to provide additional living spaces for a growing workforce. We are additionally working with the Rusk County Airport and TXDOT Aviation to extend the runway at Rusk County to accommodate larger aircraft.

Henderson Middle School Front Entrance

Strengthen Our Workforce

We endeavor to strengthen our workforce's offerings through a two-fold approach. First, we apply for state grants that will improve the training equipment and educational materials for occupational related classes at Henderson High School. Second, we advocate for a stronger higher education presence in Henderson via both 2- and 4- year colleges and universities.